Pixel functions

In this section we describe the functions implemented by HPixLib that allow to associate points on the sky sphere with pixels in the HEALPix tessellation. These functions are the core of the library; HPixLib uses the same algorithms implemented in the C++ bindings (version 3.00) of the reference Healpix library.

Converting NSIDE into the number of pixels and back

The Healpix tessellation subdivides the sphere in a set of pixels of equal area. The number of pixels is uniquely specified through a positive integer parameter, nside, which is related to the number of pixels through a well-defined mathematical expression, implemented by the function hpix_nside_to_npixel() (the inverse calculation is implemented by hpix_npixel_to_nside()). The value of nside must be an integer power of two. To check if a given integer value satisfies these condition, HPixLib implements the function hpix_valid_nside():

hpix_nside_t nside;
printf("Enter a value for nside: ");
scanf("%u", &nside);
if(hpix_valid_nside(nside)) {
  printf("The number of pixels in the map is %u\n",
} else {
  printf("Invalid value for nside.\n");
_Bool hpix_valid_nside(hpix_nside_t nside)

Return nonzero if the value of nside satisfies the following conditions:

  1. It is an integer greater than zero;
  2. It is an integer power of two.
hpix_pixel_num_t hpix_nside_to_npixel(hpix_nside_t)

Given a value for the nside parameter (any positive power of two), return the number of pixels the sky sphere is divided into. If nside is not valid, the function returns zero.

This function is the inverse of hpix_npixel_to_nside().

hpix_pixel_num_t num;
assert((num = hpix_nside_to_npixel(8)) > 0);
hpix_nside_t hpix_npixel_to_nside(hpix_pixel_num_t)

Given the number of pixels in the sky sphere, this function returns the value of NSIDE uniquely associated with it. The function does not accept arbitrary values for num_of_pixels: any invalid value will make the function return zero.

This function is the inverse of hpix_nside_to_npixel().

Converting among angles, vectors and pixel centers

The following functions implement conversions between three different representations of points on a sphere:

  1. Angular positions. These are expressed by theta (colatitude, from 0 to pi) and phi (longitude, from 0 to 2pi).
  2. Versors (vectors normalized to have length one). These are expressed by three coordinates, x, y, z, with the constraint that x*x + y*y + z*z == 1.0.
  3. Index of pixel centers. These can either be expressed using Healpix’ RING or NEST numbering scheme, so technically it is not one but two representations.

It is important to note that any conversion involving pixel centers is only approximate, e.g. you cannot convert theta and phi into a pixel index and then back to theta and phi, and expect to get the same values.

The following example shows how to identify the pixel in a map which corresponds to a given coordinate pair. Note that you must ensure that the map is expressed in the same coordinate system as the angle you are providing: in the example, the position of M42 is specified in Galactic coordinates, and therefore the map must have been created using this coordinate system as well.

const hpix_nside_t NSIDE = 64;
const double DEG2RAD = 0.01745;
hpix_resolution_t resol;

/* Position of OriA in Galactic coordinates (degrees) */
double M42_position[] = { 209.01, -19.38 };

/* Convert the latitude in colatitude */
M42_position[0] = M42_position[0] - 180.0;

/* Here we assume to work with maps in RING order */
hpix_init_resolution_from_nside(NSIDE, &resol);
hpix_pixel_num_t pixel_index =
                              M42_position[0] * DEG2RAD,
                              M42_position[1] * DEG2RAD);

The key data structure is hpix_resolution_t, which contains the value of NSIDE as well as a number of other values derived from it and useful in the calculations.

void hpix_init_resolution_from_nside(hpix_nside_t nside, hpix_resolution_t * resolution)

Initialize the fields of resolution with values corresponding to the NSIDE parameter specified by nside. The object resolution can be allocated either on the stack or on the heap. (In the latter case, you must free it by yourself.)

Converting angular positions

The functions described in this paragraph convert angular positions (theta, phi) into some other representation.

void hpix_angles_to_vector(double theta, double phi, double * x, double * y, double * z)

Convert the pair of angles theta, phi into a versor (one-length vector) x, y, z. The function normalizes the angles before applying the conversion (e.g. if phi is equal to 3pi, it is converted into pi).

See also hpix_vector_to_angles().

hpix_pixel_num_t hpix_angles_to_ring_pixel(const hpix_resolution_t * resolution, double theta, double phi)

Convert the pair of angles theta, phi into the RING index of the pixel for which the specified direction falls within.

See also hpix_angles_to_nest_pixel().

hpix_pixel_num_t hpix_angles_to_nest_pixel(const hpix_resolution_t * resolution, double theta, double phi)

Convert the pair of angles theta, phi into the NESTED index of the pixel for which the specified direction falls within.

See also hpix_angles_to_ring_pixel().

typedef hpix_pixel_num_t hpix_angles_to_pixel_fn_t(const hpix_resolution_t *, double, double)

This defines a name for the prototype of the two functions hpix_angles_to_ring_pixel() and hpix_angles_to_nest_pixel(). It is useful if you plan to call many times one of the two functions, but you do not know in advance which one you’ll use. Here’s an example:

function(const hpix_resolution_t * resolution,
         hpix_ordering_t order,
         const double * thetas,
         const double * phis,
         size_t num_of_pixels)
    size_t idx;
    hpix_angles_to_pixel_fn_t * ang2pix_fn;
    if(order == HPIX_ORDER_RING)
        ang2pix_fn = hpix_angles_to_ring_pixel;
        ang2pix_fn = hpix_angles_to_nest_pixel;

    for(idx = 0; idx < num_of_pixels; ++idx)
        hpix_pixel_num_t pix_num;
        /* Since ang2pix_fn has already been assigned, we
         * avoid using a `if` within the `for` cycle.
        pix_num = ang2pix_fn(resolution, thetas[idx], phis[idx]);

        /* Here you use `pix_num` */

Converting 3D vectors

The functions described in this paragraph convert 3D vectors into some other representation. The vector does not need to have length one.

void hpix_vector_to_angles(double x, double y, double z, double * theta, double * phi)

Convert the vector x, y, z into the pair of angles theta, phi. It is not necessary for the vector to have length one. The two angles will be properly normalized (i.e. theta will be within 0 and pi, and phi will be within 0 and 2pi).

See also hpix_angles_to_vector().

hpix_pixel_num_t hpix_vector_to_ring_pixel(const hpix_resolution_t * resolution, double x, double y, double z)

Convert the vector x, y, z into the RING index of the pixel for which the specified direction falls within.

See also hpix_ring_pixel_to_vector().

hpix_pixel_num_t hpix_vector_to_nest_pixel(const hpix_resolution_t * resolution, double x, double y, double z)

Convert the vector x, y, z into the NESTED index of the pixel for which the specified direction falls within.

See also hpix_nest_pixel_to_vector().

typedef hpix_pixel_num_t hpix_vector_to_pixel_fn_t(hpix_nside_t, double, double, double)

This defines a name for the prototype of the two functions hpix_vector_to_ring_pixel() and hpix_vector_to_nest_pixel(). It is useful if you plan to call many times one of the two functions, but you do not know in advance which one you’ll use. See hpix_angles_to_pixel_fn_t for a nice example.

Converting pixel indexes

The functions described in this paragraph convert pixel indices, either in RING or NESTED scheme, into some other representation.

void hpix_ring_pixel_to_angles(const hpix_resolution_t * resolution, hpix_pixel_num_t pixel, double * theta, double * phi)

Convert the direction of the center of the pixel with RING index pixel into the two angles theta (colatitude) and phi (longitude).

See also hpix_angles_to_ring_pixel().

void hpix_nest_pixel_to_angles(const hpix_resolution_t * resolution, hpix_pixel_num_t pixel, double * theta, double * phi)

Convert the direction of the center of the pixel with NESTED index pixel into the two angles theta (colatitude) and phi (longitude).

See also hpix_angles_to_nest_pixel().

typedef void hpix_pixel_to_angles(const hpix_resolution_t *, hpix_pixel_num_t, double *, double *)

This defines a name for the prototype of the two functions hpix_ring_pixel_to_angles() and hpix_nest_pixel_to_angles(). It is useful if you plan to call many times one of the two functions, but you do not know in advance which one you’ll use. See hpix_angles_to_pixel_fn_t for a nice example.

void hpix_ring_pixel_to_vector(const hpix_resolution_t * resolution, double * x, double * y, double * z)

Convert the direction of the center of the pixel with RING index pixel into the components of a vector x, y, z. It is guaranteed that x*x + y*y + z*z == 1.0.

See also hpix_vector_to_ring_pixel().

void hpix_nest_pixel_to_vector(const hpix_resolution_t * resolution, double * x, double * y, double * z)

Convert the direction of the center of the pixel with RING index pixel into the components of a vector x, y, z. It is guaranteed that x*x + y*y + z*z == 1.0.

See also hpix_vector_to_ring_pixel().

typedef void hpix_pixel_to_vector(const hpix_resolution_t *, hpix_pixel_num_t, double *, double *, double *)

This defines a name for the prototype of the two functions hpix_ring_pixel_to_vector() and hpix_nest_pixel_to_vector(). It is useful if you plan to call many times one of the two functions, but you do not know in advance which one you’ll use. See hpix_angles_to_pixel_fn_t for a nice example.

Converting RING into NESTED and back

The following functions allow you to switch between the RING and NESTED schemes. Each scheme has its own advantages: RING is good when you want to decompose the map in spherical harmonics (because pixels on the same latitude are contiguous), NESTED is useful if you apply wavelet transforms or are looking for point sources (neighbour points are easy to find with this scheme).

hpix_pixel_num_t hpix_nest_to_ring_idx(const hpix_resolution_t * resolution, hpix_pixel_num_t nest_index)

Convert the index of pixel nest_index from NESTED to RING.

hpix_pixel_num_t hpix_ring_to_nest_idx(const hpix_resolution_t * resolution, hpix_pixel_num_t ring_index)

Convert the index of pixel nest_index from NESTED to RING.

void hpix_switch_order(hpix_map_t * map)

Switch the order of the map from RING to NESTED or vice versa, depending on the current ordering of the map (see hpix_map_ordering()). Note that the reordering is done in-place: this means that no additional memory is needed during the conversion, but if you want to access both maps you have to copy it somewhere else before calling this function.