Drawing maps

In this section we describe the most complex part of the library, that is the code that produces a graphical representation of a map. To better understand the difficulties of such task, let us consider how this is accomplished by the standard HEALPix library and by Healpy, a Python wrapper to HEALPix. The “standard” Healpix implementation is able to plot maps in a number of ways:

  • The IDL library contains roughly 7,600 lines of code which implement MOLLVIEW() and similar functions. Such functions are written in pure IDL and use the IDL plotting functions.
  • Two standalone programs, map2gif and map2tga, convert a map saved in a FITS file into a GIF/TGA image. The first one is written in Fortran90 and is roughly 1,200 lines of code, plus the source code of the gifdraw library (roughly 12,000 lines of code, in the directory src/f90/lib of the tarball). The same figures apply to map2tga as well.

Because of this situation, the creators of the Healpy Python library decided to implement a set of plotting routines from scratch. More than 2,000 lines of code are needed to implement functions like mollview() and mollzoom(); they are based on the well-known matplotlib library.

Our approach is to implement a very generic interface for map plotting in HPixLib (i.e. one that is agnostic to the tool actually used to draw the map: Quartz, Gtk+, Cairo …). Depending on the graphics library, there are two possible approaches for drawing a map:

  • Generate a bitmap. (This is the approach followed by the Healpix library and by Healpy.) The output of the process is a N\times M matrix of pixels whose elements are calculated using a ray-tracing algorithm. The image has a fixed resolution, which implies that it shows poor results when enlarged. The ray-tracing algorithm has the advantage of being quite fast, and bitmaps can be displayed and saved quickly. When saved, the size of the file scales with the number of elements in the matrix, but it is independent of the number of pixels in the map.
  • Generate a vector image. This solution has the drawback of producing very large files when nside is large, but vector maps scale very well when enlarged. The typical formats used to store such maps are Postscript and PDF.

HPixLib will provide two sets of functions to ease the production of bitmapped and vector maps. (Such functions need to be wrapped with some glue code which actually writes the map on disk or display it on the screen.) Currently HPixLib supports the creation of bitmapped images; the veneration of vector images is considered less important and will be implemented in future releases of the library.

The library provides a program, map2fig, which is similar to the two programs provided in the Healpix distribution, map2gif and map2tga. However, being based on the Cairo graphics library, it allows to save maps in vector formats as well. (The map itself is a bitmapped image embedded in the EPS/PDF/SVG file, but the title, the color bar and every other element is a vector.) This allows e.g. to modify these maps within vector drawing programs like Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator.

Introduction: a poor-man clone of map2fig

We begin with a full example of how to use the drawing/palette functions provided by HPixLib. The following program reads a map from a file and then outputs to stdout a bitmap in PPM format (http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/ppm.html):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <hpixlib/hpix.h>

void output_map_to_file(const hpix_map_t * map,
                          hpix_color_palette_t * palette,
                      FILE * out)
    /* Keeping it double makes calculations more efficient */
    const double max_color_level = 255.0;

    hpix_bmp_projection_t * proj =
      hpix_create_bmp_projection(640, 320);

    double min, max;
    double * bitmap = hpix_bmp_projection_trace(proj, map, &min, &max);

    /* Write the PPM header */
    fprintf(out, "P3\n%u %u\n%u\n",
          (unsigned) max_color_level);

    double *restrict cur_pixel = bitmap;
    for(unsigned y = 0; y < hpix_bmp_projection_height(proj); ++y)
      for(unsigned x = 0; x < hpix_bmp_projection_width(proj); ++x)
          hpix_color_t pixel_color;
                             (*cur_pixel++ - min) / (max - min),
          fprintf(out, "%3u %3u %3u\t",
                  (unsigned) (hpix_red_from_color(&pixel_color) * max_color_level),
                  (unsigned) (hpix_green_from_color(&pixel_color) * max_color_level),
                  (unsigned) (hpix_blue_from_color(&pixel_color) * max_color_level));

      fputc('\n', out);


int main(int argc, const char ** argv)
    if(argc != 2)
      fputs("You must specify the name of a FITS file on the command line\n",
      return 1;

    hpix_map_t * map;
    const char * file_name = argv[1];
    int status;
    if(! hpix_load_fits_component_from_file(file_name, 1, &map, &status))
      fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read map %s\n", file_name);
      return 1;

    hpix_color_palette_t * palette = hpix_create_planck_color_palette();
    output_map_to_file(map, palette, stdout);

The typical usage is to produce a bitmap, then use min_value and max_value to scale it from the map measure unit into a color space. (You can find the source code of this program in the file examples/map2ppm.c).

Available projections

HPixLib implements a number of cartographic projections. You can either access the low-level projection functions or rely on the library to directly produce a map.

The low-level projection functions allow to perform one of the following tasks:

  1. Convert the coordinate of a 2-D plane into a direction towards the sky and vice-versa. (Example: hpix_mollweide_xy_to_angles().)
  2. Check if a point on a 2-D plane is visible or not within the bitmap’s rectangle. (Example: hpix_mollweide_is_xy_inside().)

The latter point is important for those projections like the Mollweide’s, which is enclosed in a shape which is not a rectangle like the bitmap’s (ellipse).

The cartographic projections implemented by HPixLib are listed in the enumerated type hpix_projection_type_t.

_Bool hpix_mollweide_xy_to_angles(const hpix_bmp_projection_t * proj, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double * theta, double * phi)

This function calculates the direction towards the sky that corresponds to the (x, y) point in the 2-D bitmap projection pointed by proj. If there is no point which corresponds to (x, y), i.e., if these coordinates are outside Mollweide’s ellipse, then the function returns FALSE, otherwise TRUE.

_Bool hpix_mollweide_is_xy_inside(const hpix_bmp_projection_t * proj, unsigned int x, unsigned int y)

This function checks that the point (x, y) in the bitmap lies within Mollweide’s ellipse. If it does, return TRUE. (The return value has therefore the same meaning as hpix_mollweide_xy_to_angles().)

_Bool hpix_equirectangular_xy_to_angles(const hpix_bmp_projection_t * proj, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double * theta, double * phi)

This function calculates the direction towards the sky that corresponds to the (x, y) point in the 2-D bitmap projection pointed by proj. If there is no point which corresponds to (x, y), then the function returns FALSE, otherwise TRUE. This happens only if x or y fall outside the rectangle enclosing the bitmap.

_Bool hpix_equirectangular_is_xy_inside(const hpix_bmp_projection_t * proj, unsigned int x, unsigned int y)

This function checks that the point (x, y) in the bitmap lies within the bitmap’s region. If it does, return TRUE. (The return value has therefore the same meaning as hpix_equirectangular_xy_to_angles().)

Bitmapped graphics

The interface provided by CHealpix for the generation of bitmapped graphics clearly shows the ray-tracing algorithm on whom it is grounded. In the following discussion we try to prevent the ambiguity between a “pixel” in a Healpix map and a “pixel” in a bitmap by referring to the second as “an element in the N \times M matrix,” or “matrix element” for short. All the functions implemented in this section have their name beginning with hpix_bmp_.


This type contains all the information needed to transform a Healpix map into a bi-dimensional bitmapped projection. It is an opaque structure, which means that you are not allowed to directly access/modify its members: you need to rely on functions defined in this section, like e.g. hpix_projection_width().

Projection type Enumeration constant
No projection HPIX_PROJ_NULL
Mollweide (equal area) HPIX_PROJ_MOLLWEIDE

You can retrieve the cartographic projection used by a hpix_bmp_projection_t variable using the function hpix_bmp_projection_type().

hpix_bmp_projection_t * hpix_create_bmp_projection(unsigned int width, unsigned int height)

Create a new hpix_bmp_projection_t object and initialize its width and height. This object must be deallocated using hpix_free_bmp_projection().

Once this function is called, there is no cartographic projection associated with it. You must call one of the hpix_set_*_projection functions listed below (e.g., hpix_set_mollweide_projection()) in order to effectively trace bitmaps.

void hpix_free_bmp_projection(hpix_bmp_projection_t * proj)

Free all the memory associated with proj, which therefore can no longer be used.

hpix_projection_type_t hpix_bmp_projection_type(const hpix_bmp_projection_t * proj)

Return the code identifying the cartographic projection associated with proj.

void hpix_set_equirectangular_projection(hpix_bmp_projection_t * proj)

Configure proj to use an equirectangular cartographic projection. This kind of projection is very useful if you plan to wrap the bitmap around a 3D sphere, e.g., using a ray-tracing program.

void hpix_set_mollweide_projection(hpix_bmp_projection_t * proj)

Configure proj to use a Mollweide cartographic projection. Most of the full-sky CMB maps are usually produced using this kind of projection.

_Bool hpix_bmp_projection_is_xy_inside(const hpix_bmp_projection_t * proj, unsigned int x, unsigned int y)

Determine if the bitmap coordinates (x, y) fall within the map or not. The function internally calls the appropriate function for the cartographic projection associated with proj. For instance, if you called hpix_set_mollweide_projection(), it acts as a wrapper to hpix_mollweide_is_xy_inside().

_Bool hpix_bmp_projection_xy_to_angles(const hpix_bmp_projection_t * proj, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double * theta, double * phi)

Convert the bitmap coordinates (x, y) into a par (theta, phi), that is, colatitude and longitude. The function internally calls the appropriate function for the cartographic projection associated with proj. For instance, if you called hpix_set_mollweide_projection(), it acts as a wrapper to hpix_mollweide_xy_to_angles().

Projection properties

As said above, hpix_bmp_projection_t is an opaque structure and as such you cannot read/modify its members directly: you have to use the facilities provided by the library.his.

unsigned int hpix_projection_width(const hpix_bmp_projection_t * proj)

Return the width of the bitmap, i.e. the number of columns.

unsigned int hpix_projection_height(const hpix_bmp_projection_t * proj)

Return the height of the bitmap, i.e. the number of rows.

Painting functions

double * hpix_bmp_projection_trace(const hpix_bmp_projection_t * proj, const hpix_map_t * map, double * min_value, double * max_value)

This function creates a bitmap (rectangular array of numbers) containing a Mollweide projection of map. The details of the projection are specified by the proj parameter (size of the bitmap, set of coordinates to be used and so on). The bitmap is an array of floating-point values, each using the same scale as in the original map (i.e. if the map represents a set of temperatures in Kelvin, then each pixel in the bitmap will be measured in Kelvin as well).

Note that the Mollweide projection must have an aspect ratio 2:1, i.e., the width of the image should be twice its height. HPixLib does not enforce such requirement on the width and height of the bitmap, as the true aspect ratio of the image depends on the pixel aspect ratio of the device where the bitmap will be displayed as well. However, a good rule of thumb is to pick a width which is roughly twice the height, as most of the display devices in use today have a pixel aspect ratio which is close to 1:1.

When the bitmap returned by this function is no longer useful, you must free it using hpix_free().

Color palettes

Functions like hpix_bmp_projection_trace() create a bitmapped representation of a map in which each matrix element of the bitmap is expressed in the same units as the map (e.g., if a map represents some measured sky flux in Jy, then the matrix elements of the bitmap will be expressed in Jy too).

In order to properly display the bitmap on a device, HPixLib provides a number of functions which convert floating-point values (in arbitrary scales) into colors. Moreover, HPixLib is able to handle color sets, called color palette, that represent gradients used to attribute specific colors to each pixel in a map.

Color types and functions

The representation of colors used by HPixLib (through the type hpix_color_t) uses the classical RGB decomposition, i.e., each color is expressed as a mixture of red, green, and blue levels (RGB), where each level is a floating-point value between 0.0 (absence) to 1.0 (saturation).


This type is a structure made up by three fields: red, green, and blue. Each element is a floating-point value normalized to unity.

The value of the red, green, and blue fields should be between 0.0 (lack of shade) and 1.0 (saturated shade). HPixLib however does not enforce such limits, since it is quite common in computer graphics to represent saturated values using levels greater than 1.0. (E.g., this effect is used in ray-tracing programs like POV-Ray to create very bright light sources.)

The structure is not opaque, therefore it can be created on-the-fly using the facilities of the C99 language:

/* This will work in C99, but not in C89 */
hpix_color_t red_color =
    (hpix_color_t) { .red = 1.0, .green = 0.0, .blue = 0.0 };

Although the members of hpix_color_t can be accessed directly, HPixLib provides getter/setter functions in order to ease the creation of binding libraries in other languages.

hpix_color_t hpix_create_color(double red, double green, double blue)

Return a hpix_color_t structure initialized to the specified values of red, green, and blue.

hpix_red_from_color(const hpix_color_t * color)

Return the red level of the color.

hpix_green_from_color(const hpix_color_t * color)

Return the green level of the color.

hpix_blue_from_color(const hpix_color_t * color)

Return the blue level of the color.

Color palettes

A color palette is a set of colors and rules which specify how to combine the colors in order to provide a continuous and smooth palette. The idea is that every floating-point number falling within some predefined range can then be converted into a RGB color and displayed on a device.

The original Healpix color palette shows an example. The palette is made by six colors, each with an associated floating-point number between 0 and 1. The library is able to blend the colors (using linear interpolation) to produce a smooth transition between them. The programmer can create custom color palettes using the functions described in this section.

The original Healpix color palette


The type hpix_color_palette_t is an opaque type that holds the information which represents a color palette:

  1. An array of levels and colors (hpix_color_t). This array always contains at least two elements: the one at level 0 (left side) and the one at level 1 (right side).
  2. The color to be used for unseen pixels.

HPixLib provides a few functions that create nice-looking palettes ready to use: hpix_create_grayscale_color_palette() and hpix_create_healpix_color_palette(). When a palette is no longer used, the program must call hpix_free_color_palette().

Note that, being an opaque type, hpix_color_palette_t can be accessed only using the setter/getter functions described here.

hpix_color_palette_t * hpix_create_black_color_palette(void)

Create a black color palette. This is never used in real-world examples, but it can be a good starting point for creating custom palettes using hpix_set_color_for_step_in_palette() and hpix_add_step_to_color_palette().

When the palette is no longer used, the program must call hpix_free_color_palette().

hpix_color_palette_t * hpix_create_grayscale_color_palette(void)

Create a color palette made by gray shades. (The color used for unseen pixels has a reddish tint, in order to make it distinguishable from the others.)

When the palette is no longer used, the program must call hpix_free_color_palette().

hpix_color_palette_t * hpix_create_healpix_color_palette(void)

Create a color palette that mimics the one used by the original Healpix library. When the palette is no longer used, the program must call hpix_free_color_palette().

hpix_color_palette_t * hpix_create_planck_color_palette(void)

Create a color palette that mimics the one used in the first Planck data release. When the palette is no longer used, the program must call hpix_free_color_palette().

void hpix_free_color_palette(hpix_color_palette_t * palette)

Release any memory associated with the palette.

The color to be used for unseen/masked/bad pixels can be read using hpix_color_for_unseen_pixels_in_palette() and set using hpix_set_color_for_unseen_pixels_in_palette().

void hpix_set_color_for_unseen_pixels_in_palette(hpix_color_palette_t * palette, hpix_color_t new_color)

Set the color to be used for unseen pixels in the specified palette.

hpix_color_t hpix_set_color_for_unseen_pixels_in_palette(hpix_color_palette_t * palette)

Retrieve from the palette the color to be used for unseen pixels.

It is possible to add color levels and to modify the existing ones. Note however that it is not possible to delete levels from a hpix_color_palette_t variable.

void hpix_add_step_to_color_palette(hpix_color_palette_t * palette, double level, hpix_color_t color)

Add a new color and a new level to the color palette. The new color will be appended to the list of existing color steps. Before using the palette, you must ensure that hpix_sort_levels_in_color_palette() has been called, so that all the levels are in ascending order.

Note that the code does not check if the level you are specifying in the call is already present in the palette. If this is the case, the library might behave unexpectedly (including divisions by zero).

size_t hpix_num_of_steps_in_color_palette(const hpix_color_palette_t * palette)

Return the number of color steps in the palette. This number is useful if you want to cycle over the steps using e.g. calls to hpix_color_for_step_in_palette() and hpix_level_for_step_in_palette().

hpix_color_t hpix_color_for_step_in_palette(const hpix_color_palette_t * palette, size_t zero_based_index)

Return the color associated with the given step in the palette. The value of zero_based_index ranges from 0 to the value returned by hpix_num_of_steps_in_color_palette().

double hpix_level_for_step_in_palette(const hpix_color_palette_t * palette, size_t zero_based_index)

Return the level associated with the given step in the palette. This level should always be between 0.0 and 1.0. The value of zero_based_index ranges from 0 to the value returned by hpix_num_of_steps_in_color_palette().

void hpix_set_color_for_step_in_palette(hpix_color_palette_t * palette, size_t zero_based_index, hpix_color_t new_color)

Change the color associated with the given step in the palette.

See also hpix_color_for_step_in_palette().

void hpix_set_level_for_step_in_palette(hpix_color_palette_t * palette, size_t zero_based_index, double new_level)

Change the level associated with the given step in the palette. Use with care! You must ensure that the new level does not coincide with other levels in the palette, and that the first and last level in the array of steps are still 0.0 and 1.0.

See also hpix_level_for_step_in_palette().

Here is an example of how to use these functions to dump the definition of a palette to stdout:

size_t num_of_steps = hpix_num_of_steps_in_color_palette(palette);

for(size_t index = 0; index < num_of_steps; ++index)
    double level = hpix_level_for_step_in_palette(palette, index);
    hpix_color_t color = hpix_color_for_step_in_palette(palette, index);

    printf("Level: %.2f   -- R: %.2f, G: %.2f, B: %.2f\n",
           color.red, color.green, color.blue);

If palette were the result of a call to hpix_create_healpix_color_palette(), the output of the code above would have been the following:

Level: 0.00   -- R: 0.00, G: 0.00, B: 0.50
Level: 0.15   -- R: 0.00, G: 0.00, B: 1.00
Level: 0.40   -- R: 0.00, G: 1.00, B: 1.00
Level: 0.70   -- R: 1.00, G: 1.00, B: 0.00
Level: 0.90   -- R: 1.00, G: 0.33, B: 0.00
Level: 1.00   -- R: 0.50, G: 0.00, B: 0.00
void hpix_sort_levels_in_color_palette(hpix_color_palette_t * palette)

Sort all the steps in the palette in increasing order with respect to their level. (The sort is done inplace using the Standard C library function qsort: depending on the implementation, it might require or not additional memory.)

Sorting the steps in the palette is crucial for allowing the algorithm implemented in hpix_palette_color() to work. For efficiency reasons, the function is never called automatically by HPixLib.

hpix_palette_color(const hpix_color_palette_t * palette, double level, hpix_color_t * color)

Set the fields of color so that it represents the specified level in the given color palette. The function uses a linear interpolation of the color steps in the palette.

The palette must be properly sorted using hpix_sort_levels_in_color_palette(). This condition is already satisfied for the palettes returned by hpix_create_black_color_palette(), hpix_create_grayscale_color_palette(), and hpix_create_healpix_color_palette().

Before using a palette in a call to hpix_get_color_palette() or any function that implicitly calls it (e.g., hpix_bmp_projection_to_cairo_surface()), you must ensure these rules apply:

  1. The first color step in the palette has level 0.
  2. The last color step in the palette has level 1.
  3. All the color steps are sorted in increasing order according to their level.
  4. There must not be two color steps with the same value for the level.

HPixLib does not enforce any of these rules. To ensure that you comply with them, here is a set of rules:

/* This might be unnecessary, but it does not harm. */

size_t num_of_steps = hpix_num_of_steps_in_color_palette(palette);

/* Change the color for level 0 */
hpix_set_color_for_step_in_palette(0, hpix_create_color(0.0, 1.0, 1.0));
/* Change the color for level 1 */
hpix_set_color_for_step_in_palette(num_of_steps - 1, hpix_create_color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));

Vector graphics

Not implemented yet.