The hpix_map_t type

In this section we introduce the hpix_map_t type, which is used to hold information about a map, as well as a number of ancillary types and functions.

The following example (examples/mapinfo.c) is a program which shows information about a set of FITS temperature maps specified from the command line. It is a good example of the way HPixLib functions are meant to be used in a real program (albeit as simple as this is). In the rest of this section a detailed documentation of every function used in the example will be provided.

#include <hpixlib/hpix.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>

/* Compute the peak-to-peak difference of the value of the
   pixels in the map */
double peak_to_peak_amplitude(const hpix_map_t * map)
  size_t idx;
  double min, max;
  double * pixels;


  pixels = hpix_map_pixels(map);
  min = max = pixels[0];
  for(int idx = 1; idx < hpix_map_num_of_pixels(map); ++idx)
    if(isnan(pixels[idx])) /* Skip unseen pixels */

    if(min > pixels[idx])
      min = pixels[idx];

    if(max < pixels[idx])
      max = pixels[idx];

  return max - min;

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  char * error_message = NULL;

  /* Skip the program name */
  ++argv; --argc;

  if(argc == 0) {
      fputs("Usage: mapinfo FILE1 [FILE2...]\n", stderr);
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;

  while(argc--) {
      int cfitsio_status = 0;
      hpix_map_t * map;

      hpix_load_fits_component_from_file(argv[0], 1, &map, &cfitsio_status);

        printf("File name: %s\n", *argv);
        printf("NSIDE: %u\n", hpix_map_nside(map));
        printf("Ordering: %s\n",
               hpix_map_ordering_scheme(map) == HPIX_ORDER_SCHEME_RING ?
               "RING" : "NEST");
        printf("Peak-to-peak variation: %.4g\n",

      } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", error_message);


  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Basic types


This enum type specifies the ordering scheme of the map. It can assume the values HPIX_ORDER_SCHEME_RING or HPIX_ORDER_SCHEME_NEST.


This enum type specifies the coordinate system used by the map. It can either be HPIX_COORD_GALACTIC (Galactic coordinates), HPIX_COORD_ECLIPTIC (ecliptic coordinates), HPIX_COORD_CELESTIAL or HPIX_COORD_CUSTOM (custom Euler rotation).


This structure is conceptually equivalent to a nside value, but it keeps a number of mathematical quantities (all derived by nside itself) that are handy for manipulating Healpix maps at that resolution. (It basically caches these values in order to save time in computations.)


This is the basic type used to hold information about a Healpix map. It is a structure that should considered to be opaque, i.e. accessing its members is forbidden. You should instead use access functions like hpix_map_ordering(), hpix_map_nside() and hpix_map_pixels(). See below for a complete list.

Map creation/distruction

Functions hpix_create_map() and hpix_create_map_from_array() create a map in memory. The first one is useful when you do now know in advance the value of the pixels you’re going to put into the pixel. The second one is handy if you were able to retrieve pixel values from some medium and want to “wrap” them into a hpix_map_t structure in order to use them with HPixLib.

hpix_map_t * hpix_create_map(hpix_nside_t nside, hpix_ordering_scheme_t ordering)

Create a zero-filled Healpix map with a resolution of nside and a ordering scheme equal to ordering (see hpix_ordering_scheme_t for more information about the accepted values).

hpix_map_t * hpix_create_map_from_array(double * array, size_t num_of_elements, hpix_ordering_scheme_t ordering)

Create a Healpix map using the values in array. The value of nside is calculated from num_of_pixels using hpix_npixel_to_nside(). By default, the map is considered to be in Galactic coordinates.

void hpix_free_map(hpix_map_t * map)

Free any memory associated with map. Once the function exits, map is no longer available.

hpix_map_t * hpix_create_copy_of_map(const hpix_map_t * map)

Return a pointer to a copy of map. This is useful if you plan to modify map inplace (e.g. by means of a call to hpix_scale_pixels_by_constant_inplace()) but you want to keep a copy of the map as it was before the modification. Once no longer used, the new copy must be disposed using hpix_free_map() as usual.

Loading and saving maps

The following functions are used to load and save Healpix maps into FITS files. Such files are fully compatible with those produced by the standard Healpix library.

int hpix_load_fits_component_from_fitsptr(fitsptr * fptr, unsigned short column_number, hpix_map_t ** map, int * status)

Load one component (I, Q, or U) from the FITS file specified by fptr, which must have been properly initialized using one of CFITSIO’s functions, e.g. fits_open_table() and fits_movabs_hdu().

If any error occurs, the function returns zero. Otherwise, it makes map pointing to a new hpix_map_t object that must be freed using hpix_free_map() when it is no longer useful. Moreover, if status is not null, then it will be initialized with the appropriate CFITSIO error code.

Note that pixels marked as UNSEEN are converted to NaN. This is different from what the standard Healpix library does.

int hpix_load_fits_component_from_file(const char * file_name, unsigned short column_number, hpix_map_t ** map, int * status)

Wrapper to hpix_load_fits_component_from_fitsptr() which automatically opens the FITS file named file_name and moves to the first binary table HDU.

int hpix_create_empty_fits_table_for_map(fitsfile * fptr, const hpix_map_t * template_map, unsigned short num_of_components, const char * measure_unit, int * status)

Create a new HDU in an already-opened FITS file pointed by fptr and write a set of keywords that describe the shape of a map like template_map. The parameter num_of_components tells how many TDOUBLE columns the HDU will have: it must be a number between 1 and 3. (No checking is done on this.)

The parameter measure_unit should be a string identifying the unit of measure of all the columns. You should use short names, e.g. K instead of Kelvin.

If the function is successful, it returns nonzero. If there is an error and status is not null, then it will be initialized with the appropriate CFITSIO code.

Note that write-access must be granted to fptr, otherwise the function will fail.

int hpix_save_fits_component_to_fitsfile(const char * file_name, const hpix_map_t * map, int data_type, int * status)

Save map into a FITS file named file_name. The value of data_type is one of the possible types accepted by CFITSIO (e.g. TINT, refer to the CFITSIO documentation for a full list).

As for hpix_load_fits_component_from_file(), if something went wrong then the function returns zero and initializes error_status with a newly-created string describing the error. (In this case you must free it using hpix_free().) Note that error_status can be set to NULL: in this case, no information about the error type will be available.

If there are NaN values in the map pixels, they will be converted into the standard Healpix’s UNSEEN value.

int hpix_save_fits_component_to_file(const char * file_name, const hpix_map_t * map, int data_type, int * status)

Wrapper to hpix_save_fits_component_to_fitsptr() which automatically create a FITS file named file_name.

int hpix_load_fits_pol_from_file(const char * file_name, hpix_map_t ** map_i, hpix_map_t ** map_q, hpix_map_t ** map_u, char ** error_status)

Load the three components of a IQU map from a FITS file named file_name. The three components are read from the first table extension of the FITS file. Note that it is an error to call this function on temperature-only maps.

The double pointers map_i, map_q and map_u must point to hpix_map_t * variables, which are automatically allocated by the function, and they must be freed using hpix_free_map().

If any error occurs, the function returns NULL, otherwise it returns a new hpix_map_t object that must be freed using hpix_free_map() when it is no longer useful. Moreover, if status is not null, then it will be initialized with the appropriate CFITSIO error code.

Note that pixels marked as UNSEEN are converted to NaN. This is different from what the standard Healpix library does.

int hpix_save_fits_pol_to_file(const char * file_name, const hpix_map_t * map_i, const hpix_map_t * map_q, const hpix_map_t * map_u, int data_type, char ** error_status)

Save the three I, Q, U maps into a FITS file named file_name. The value of data_type is one of the possible types accepted by CFITSIO (e.g. TINT, refer to the CFITSIO documentation for a full list).

As for hpix_load_fits_pol_from_file(), if something went wrong and status is not null, then it will be initialized with the appropriate CFITSIO error code.

If there are NaN values in the map pixels, they will be converted into the standard Healpix’s UNSEEN value.

int hpix_is_iqu_fits_map(const char * file_name)

This helper functions can be used to establish if the FITS file named file_name contains a temperature map (I Stokes component) or a temperature+polarization map (I, Q and U Stokes components).

This function can be useful to determine if you can call hpix_load_fits_pol_map() or not.

Accessing map information

The following functions provide a quick access to a hpix_map_t type. They run in constant time and are therefore pretty cheap to call.

hpix_ordering_scheme_t hpix_map_ordering(const hpix_map_t * map)

Return the ordering of the map. See the definition of hpix_ordering_scheme_t for an explanation of the return value.

hpix_coordinates_t hpix_map_coordinate_system(const hpix_map_t * map)

Return the coordinate system used by the map. See the definition of hpix_coordinates_t for an explanation of the return value.

hpix_nside_t hpix_map_nside(const hpix_map_t * map)

Return the value of nside for map.

size_t hpix_num_of_pixels(const hpix_map_t * map)

Return the number of pixels in map. This is always equal to hpix_nside_to_npixel(hpix_map_nside(map)).

const hpix_resolution_t * hpix_map_resolution(const hpix_map_t * map)

Return a const pointer to a hpix_resolution_t structure.